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Within the project Erasmus+ Mobility academic director of the TSPV project Dr. Andrey Kinyakin within the period 2-10 April visited the Institute for Euroregional Studies of University of Oradea. The main aim of his visit was the sharing of experience with the colleagues from University of Oradea, which is widely regarded as one of the most prolific institutions among the Central and Eastern European universities within the Erasmus+ Programme (at the moment among multiple project within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module and Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair the Oradea University has also Erasmus+ Excellence Centre). Besides the contacts with the Romanian colleagues from university Dr. Andrey Kinyakin also staged a row of seminars for the University of Oradea students, covering the topic of integration models in the contemporary world and interrelations between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union.

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